We are excited to inform you that the call for abstracts for the European Aerosol Conference 2025 is now open until 15 February 2025! This year, this important event will be held in Lecce (Italy) from 31 August to 05 September 2025.

EAC2025 is organized under the auspices of the European Aerosol Association, with the Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) hosting the conference in collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR) of the National Research Council and the University of Salento. You can find all the essential information, abstract submission guidelines, and latest news on https://eac2025.iasaerosol.it/.  Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at eac2025@iasaerosol.it.

Please note that the week of EAC2025 is a busy period in Lecce for touristic reasons so try to book your accommodation as soon as possible. You can find our suggestions and options at https://eac2025.iasaerosol.it/accomodation/

The EAC2025 organising committee is looking forward to your contributions!