Denominazione e ragione sociale: IAS (Italian Aerosol Society) SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI AEROSOL
Sede legale: Via Gobetti, 101 – 40129 Bologna (BO)
Ufficio registro delle imprese:
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 03237461201
Posta elettronica certificata (PEC):
Numero Repertorio economico amministrativo (Rea):
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Data atto costituzione:
Data di iscrizione registro imprese:
IAS carries out its activities with an organization in several working groups that work synergistically to promote scientific activities, organization of seminars and workshops, and dissemination activities on aspects of public interest related to atmospheric particulate matter. IAS organizes the national conference on atmospheric particulate matter and collaborates in the organization of the European aerosol conference. IAS supports the activities of young researchers through through awards every two years.

IAS deepens issues related to the study of atmospheric particulate matter and creates synergies among different professionals from research institutions, pollution control/monitoring agencies, and companies specializing in instrumentation for environmental measurements. Activities are organized into five Working Groups.

The Italian Aerosol Society organizes the national conference on atmospheric particulate matter. It is the association’s biennial conference with the aim of fostering the exchange of experiences within the community.

Winter and summer schools for students and early career stage researchers working in the field of atmospheric aerosols. Workshops, seminars, and study/discussion days on various topics related to atmospheric particulate matter, involving speakers from Italy and abroad.

The mission of IAS includes promoting and disseminating knowledge about atmospheric PM to the general public and supporting the career development of young researchers.
As member of the European Aerosol Assembly (EAA) and of the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA), IAS is involved in the organization of conferences on atmospheric aerosol at both European (EAC) and international level (IAC).

IAS conducts outreach activities on various issues of broad public interest related to atmospheric particulate matter such as air quality, the effects of atmospheric particulate matter on health and climate, and pollution in remote and polar areas. Outreach activities are done through releases and “video pills” on the association’s social media channels.
Supporting members

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