Working groups

The main objective of the Italian Aerosol Society is to further the study of issues related to the study of atmospheric particulate matter and to create synergies among different professionals from research institutions, pollution control/monitoring agencies, and companies specializing in instrumentation for environmental measurements. It is organized into five working groups:

WG1: Aerosol generation sources and processes


Eleonora Cuccia

ARPA Lombardy

Via Rosellini 17 – 20124 Milano


Maria Chiara Bove

ARPA Liguria, Air quality Unit

Via Bombrini 8 – 16149 Genova

Atmospheric aerosol has a major impact on ecosystems, human health and climate change. 
The aerosol formation processes as well as the aging mechanisms and the interactions with a 
serie of atmospheric processes are multiple and therefore several aspects are still subject to 
further investigation.

This group has the main purpose of investigating the physical, chemical and optical properties 
of atmospheric aerosol and its interactions. 
Furthermore, the investigations carried out to take into account the complex multiphase system 
and the modeling applied to the aerosol were considered.
This group is also dedicated to the understanding, analysis and knowledge of the life cycle of 
atmospheric particulate matter,  with particular attention to its role in cloud formation and 
its impact on the Earth's radiative balance.

The group also intends to carry out studies and insights also through interaction 
with the others IAS working groups in particular through the study of source apportionment
for the identification of the different sources that contribute to the formation of atmospheric 
particulate matter and through the possible use of atmospheric simulation chamber.

This working group is made up of both personnel from regional environmental protection 
agencies and personnel from research institutions, constituting an interdisciplinary scientific 
forum committed to promoting scientific exchange on the one hand and attention to the 
legislative aspect on the other by promoting interactions between different environmental 
compartments and within the broader atmospheric aerosol scientific community.
WG2: Sampling techniques and analysis of PMx
Coordinator: Daniela Cesari

Institute of Atmosferic Sciences and Climate (ISAC), National Research Council (CNR) U.O.S. of Lecce

Str. Prov. Lecce-Monteroni Km 1,2 – 73100 Lecce


The topic "PMx sampling and analysis techniques" dealt with by the WG covers 
not only the aspects relating to the measurement of the aerosol and its chemical-physical 
properties, but is also interested in the evaluation of the data acquired by the instrumentation. 
The main objective is the exchange of information and experiences both on the methodological 
aspects and on the problems related to the sampling and the physico-chemical characterization 
of atmospheric aerosols.

The topic dealt with is therefore such as to attract the interest of various professionals from 
research institutions, agencies for the control/monitoring of pollution and companies specialized
 in the sector of instrumentation for environmental measurements.

Performed activities: Smart Sensors Intercomparison
WG3: Atmospheric aerosol properties, processes and transformations in the atmosphere


Luca Ferrero

 Milano-Bicocca University (UNIMIB), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences DISAT

Piazza della Scienza 1 – 20126 Milano


It deals with the aspects related to the physical and chemical properties of the atmospheric 
aerosol and the processes that determine them, as well as the impact of the aerosol on the 
WG4: Aerosol in polar and remote areas


Elena Barbaro

Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP), National Research Council  (CNR), Venice 

Via Torino 155 – 30172 Mestre Venezia


This group aims to involve all researchers who deal with the study of atmospheric aerosol sampled in polar 
and remote areas, such as high mountain sites, encouraging scientific exchange both nationally and 
internationally. The group aims to coordinate activities in polar areas, such as projects at 
the Gruvebadet atmospheric observatory (Svalbad Islands, Norwegian Arctic) and also in Antarctica 
at the Mario Zucchelli and Concordia bases. The WG also aims to encourage and coordinate research 
among groups studying aerosol in mountain sites, organizing specific workshops on the subject.

Another important aspect of the WG's activity is dissemination in schools but also aimed at the 
general public to understand the importance of studying aerosols in these remote areas.
WG5: Health effects of particulate matter

Lorenzo Massimi

Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry
Department of Environmental Biology
Sapienza University of Rome
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Rome (ITALY)

Over the years, numerous studies have identified oxidative stress generation as one of the main mechanisms through which particulate matter (PM) exerts its adverse health effects. The ability of PM to induce oxidative stress is often estimated by acellular assays of oxidative potential (OP) or by cellular assays.

Acellular OP assays are increasingly used because they are fast, easy to apply, and can be used on the large number of samples typical of PM monitoring campaigns. However, OP assays have several critical issues due to the absence of standardized protocols, the different selectivity of the assays to single PM components and/or emission sources, and their poorly verified representativeness of actual oxidative stress generation in living organisms.

Cellular assays are more representative but require higher costs and/or longer application times, making their application on a large number of samples more difficult. Moreover, multiple biological responses have been evaluated over the years on different cell lines, each of which is more associated with specific chemical-physical characteristics of the dust, making the results obtained on a national scale difficult to interpret. The use of model organisms, still not widely used, may allow the evaluation of additional response pathways present in more complex biological systems and thus more representative of human health effects.

Within this framework, this IAS multidisciplinary working group, composed of both staff from research institutions and staff from regional environmental protection agencies, aims to collect and process, on a national scale, the information needed to understand the relationships between the chemical-physical properties, emission sources and health effects of PM.